
For booking enquiries please e-mail

You can view live availability via our Google Calendar below. You can also request a booking via our bookings form at the bottom of this page.

Alternatively, ring 01952 433381. Please note, this is an answerphone: we will ring you back as soon as possible (generally within 48 hours). If you use this number please speak clearly, and repeat your own contact number.


£14 per hour (for the whole ground floor center).

£9 per hour for charitable organisations.

£175.00 for an adult evening party (6pm – midnight – when all music has to stop). For adult evening parties £100 refundable deposit is needed, either in cash or cheque.

£120 for a charity evening party (6pm – midnight – when all music has to stop). For charity evening parties £60 refundable deposit is needed, either in cash or cheque.

Free wi-fi is available – please ask for the password.

Bookings Calendar